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BMC AMI DevX Code Debug 17.x: Fundamentals Using Workbench for Eclipse (WBT)

BMC AMI DevX Code Debug is a debugging tool that allows mainframe developers to perform effective analysis and faster debugging operations in a secured environment. Developers can perform these operations from the Eclipse Workbench interface, the ISPF interface, and the VS Code interface.

This web-based course helps learners perform code debugging using the Code Debug Eclipse Workbench interface. It helps learners understand how to compile a program and create debug launch configurations for Batch, CICS®, Db2® Stored Procedure, and IMSTM MPP programs. The course includes demonstrations that help learners understand these tasks. Through scenarios, the course demonstrates the use of commands, how to set breakpoints, and how to intercept subroutines in Code Debug.

Major release:

BMC AMI DevX 17.x

Good for:

Developers, System Programmers

Course Delivery:

Web Based Training (WBT) | 2 horas

Course Modules

  • Debug Launch Configurations
    • Creating a Debug Configuration for a Batch Program
    • Creating a Debug Configuration for a CICS® Program
    • Creating a Debug Configuration for a Db2® Stored Procedure Program
    • Creating a Debug Configuration for an IMSTM MPP Program
    • Sharing launch Configurations
      • Import Launch Configuration
      • Export Launch Configuration
      • Share Configurations using Workbench Team Profiles
  • Debugging Scenarios
    • Debugging a Program Abend
    • Setting Conditional Breakpoints
    • Error Scenarios and Solutions