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BMC AMI SQL Explorer for Db2® 13.x: Fundamentals Using (WBT)

BMC AMI SQL Explorer for Db2® is a component of BMC's comprehensive solution to help SQL throughout the application's life cycle. It is an SQL analysis tool for proactively managing performance problems.

With BMC AMI SQL Explorer for Db2®, DBAs and application developers can quickly and easily analyze SQL statements and database structures to optimize the performance of applications before the applications are put into production. You can also use BMC AMI SQL Explorer for Db2® to identify and correct problems in production applications.

This course introduces you to BMC AMI SQL Explorer for Db2® and explains its features and key concepts. It also explains how to work with SQL statements, statistics, and table declarations and how to analyze mismatches and schema change impacts.

Major release:

BMC AMI Data 13.x

Good for:

Administrators, Developers, System Programmers

Course Delivery:

Web Based Training (WBT) | 3 horas

Course Modules

  • Module 1: Getting Started with BMC AMI SQL Explorer for Db2®
    • Introduction to BMC AMI SQL Explorer for Db2®
      • Define SQL Explorer for Db2®
      • Describe the common problems when working with SQL
      • Explain how SQL Explorer for Db2® addresses the common problems
      • Describe the architecture of SQL Explorer for Db2®
      • Explain the features of SQL Explorer for Db2®
    • Key Concepts of Explain function
      • Describe the Explain function
      • Describe how Explain works
      • Explain the Main panels
      • List the Explain entry points
    • Setting up BMC AMI SQL Explorer for Db2®
      • Describe the SQL Explorer Interface
      • Explain the login mechanisms and process
      • Describe the Main menu options
      • Explain the attachment of SQL Explorer to local or remote Db2 subsystems
      • Discuss online versus batch processing
      • Explain the procedure to verify applied maintenance
      • Explain reviewing and changing options
  • Module 2: Working with SQL Statements
    • Explaining SQL statements
      • Define Explain statement
      • Explain generating a list of packages to Explain
      • Describe how to specify Explain options
      • Describe Explaining a package online and in a batch
      • Describe Explaining an ad hoc SQL statement
      • Discuss how to work with Explain results
      • Describe editing the Explain report layout
    • Explaining and executing an individual SQL statement
      • Describe the SQLX Edit Macro
      • Describe Explaining an Individual Statement
      • Describe executing an Individual Statement
    • Explaining and Comparing plans and packages
      • Define Explain Compare
      • Describe Explaining and comparing in the same Job
      • Describe Explaining and comparing a package
    • Comparing Explain History
      • Describe comparing Explain history
      • Explain SQL statement matches and match percentages
      • Explain cost comparisons
      • Describe how to compare a package
      • Describe how to compare Explain history for two different objects
  • Module 3: Working with Statistics and Table Declarations
    • Migrating Access Path Statistics
      • Describe Statistics Migration
      • Explain the Migrate Access Path Statistics process
      • Explain how to run the Migrate Access Path Statistics Job
      • Describe the specification of Patterns for Translating Object Names
      • Explain how to edit JCL
      • Explain how to edit the Update file and run the Update Job
    • Generating Table Declarations Automatically
      • Describe generating Declarations
      • Explain how to use the Declarations Generator
  • Module 4: Working with Mismatch Analysis, Schema Change, and Expert Rules
    • Performing mismatch analysis
      • Describe mismatch analysis for access paths
      • Explain mismatch categories
      • Explain how to analyze data-type mismatches
      • Explain how to analyze mismatches on a package
    • Analyzing for impact of schema changes
      • Describe analyzing schema-change impact
      • Describe analyzing for impact
    • Overview of Expert Rules
      • Introduction to Expert Rules
      • Describe how to use predefined Expert Rules
      • Explain the severity codes in Rules
      • Describe how to customize Expert Rules
      • Explain how to define new Expert Rules
      • Explain how to display Help for Expert Rules