BMC Helix ITSM - Smart IT 20.x: Fundamentals Using Incident Management (WBT)
The goal of the Incident Management process is to resolve incident requests as quickly as possible in a prioritized manner. The Incident Management module is designed to support this goal.
When dealing with incident requests, Incident Management is initiated in response to a customer call, a service request, or an automated event. The primary goal of the incident management process, using ITIL standards, is to restore normal service operations as quickly as possible with minimum disruption to the business. Normal service operation is the operation of services within the limits specified by the service target. This ensures that the best achievable levels of availability and service are maintained. The Incident Management process also handles customer requests for services, such as, requiring a new laptop or access to a certain network.
Major release:
BMC Helix ITSM 20.x
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Course Delivery:
Web Based Training (WBT) | 5 horas
Course Modules
Smart IT Personas, Permissions, and Access Control
- Smart IT personas and permissions
- Responsibilities of different Smart IT roles
- How access to tickets and resources works in Smart IT
- Explain BMC Remedy ITSM Data Access Model
- Explain Row-level security (RLS) and Hierarchical groups
- Impact of RLS and hierarchical groups on access to tickets and resources
Smart IT Overview and Concepts
- Overview of Remedy with Smart IT
- Main features of Smart IT
- Access Smart IT
- Mobile device compatibility and benefits for Smart IT
- Smart IT Dashboard functionality
- Change Calendar
- Various Smart IT Search options
- Explain various Smart IT consoles
- Explain the Preset, Filters, and Bulk Actions features
- Discuss Activity and Update Feeds
- Pin and Unpin Feature
- Overview of Smart IT Knowledge Articles
- Smart Recorder Overview
- Various features and functionalities of Smart Recorder
- Create a new customer profile from Smart Recorder
- Smart Recorder and Call Log Events
Records in Smart IT
- Record Details for Incident Tickets, Work Orders, Tasks, and Service Requests
- Record Details for Change Requests
- Record Details for Problem Investigation and Known Errors
- Record Details for Known Errors
- Explain various Categories
- How to assign tickets in Smart IT
- Change ticket assignment and status
- Explain Service Level Agreement (SLA) progress bar in Smart IT
Task Management in Smart IT
- Tasks Overview
- Task Phase Management
- Review Task Phases
- Introduction to Task Template
- Add and Manage a Task
- Assign, Sequence, Implement, and Close Task
Ways to Communicate in Smart IT
- Explain Broadcasts in Smart IT
- Set up and receive Broadcasts
- Email Functionality in Smart IT
- Send Email Messages from Tickets
- Attach Files and Knowledge Articles in Emails
- Chat Feature Overview
- Chat Feature: Keywords
- Use Microsoft Teams for ChatOps-type Interaction
- Use Live Chat with User
Incident Management Concepts
- Introduction to Incident Management
- Understand the Incident Management Process, and Identify Roles and their Permissions
Understanding Incident Management Roles and Permissions
- View People Profiles in Smart IT
- Understand Incident Management Permissions in Smart IT
- Understand Incident Management Roles in Smart IT
Creating Incident Requests
- Create Incidents
Assigning and Tracking Incident Requests
- Assign Incidents
- Track Incidents
- Manage Related tasks
Resolving and Closing Incident Requests
- Resolve Incidents
- Handle Escalations
- Close Incidents
Introduction to Progressive Web Application in Smart IT (Applicable for 20.08 - Saas Only)
- Progressive Web Application (PWA) Overview