Customer success Stories

Hospital ensures excellent care and efficiency with strategic automation

Industry Healthcare



less processing time



more staff efficiency



more effective data

Customer success Stories

Hospital ensures excellent care and efficiency with strategic automation

Industry Healthcare



less processing time



more staff efficiency



more effective data

Business Challenge

Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital (VGHKS) earns high praise for the quality of care it provides. To keep pace with rapid growth, the hospital’s IT group has transformed the batch environment that keeps patient and administrative data up to date. Workload automation best practices make it possible to efficiently manage thousands of jobs each day involving huge amounts of data connected by complex relationships.

BMC Solution

Control-M integrates and automates batch processes linking the mainframe that houses most of the hospital’s data with applications running on open systems. The IT staff uses a single screen to schedule and manage all processes.

Business Impact

Control-M secures and executes data across VGHKS mainframe and distributed environments, automates job scheduling, and ensures security and stability while reducing costs.

  • Batch jobs keep critical systems current, so medical and administrative teams have access to up-to-date data such as patient and hospital statistics, changes in surgery priorities, and physician duty shifts.
  • Completion of one job automatically triggers the start of the next, eliminating manual job starts and helping reduce workload processing time by 50 percent.
  • Auditing reports and scenario-based rollback enable IT to speed problem resolution and facilitate recovery from changes that might interrupt job completion.
  • Single-point control simplifies day-to-day scheduling tasks, increasing scheduling staff efficiency by 50 percent.
  • Real-time status monitoring, tracking, and logging of each process helps the IT team resolve problems before they affect system performance.
With Control-M, we can now automatically manage and monitor batch process scheduling across different platforms of our IT infrastructure, which has greatly increased the quality of the medical services we provide to residents of Kaohsiung and Pingdong areas.

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